WBPDCL Recruitment 2011 Result : http://www.wbpdcl.co.in/careers is the official career website for the The West Bengal Power Development Corporation. Ltd where candidates can check List of Successful Candidates.
The West Bengal Power Development Corporation. Ltd has published the List of Successful Candidates called for Group Discussion at the Corporate Office of WBPDCL to see this list : CLICK HERE

List of Candidates called for Personal Interview at the Corporate Office of WBPDCL is also available at the same website
In 1897, Sidraphong, a sedate, sleepy hamlet in the Darjeeling district of the then undivided Bengal came in to limelight for an unprecedented achievement.\
Visit at http://www.wbpdcl.co.in/official website of the The West Bengal Power Development Corporation. Ltd for further details about WBPDCL
0 Responses to WBPDCL Recruitment Result 2011, www.wbpdcl.co.in, West Bengal Power Development Corporation Ltd, List of Successful Candidates
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