On the basis of the recommendations of the sixth pay commission, government of India, the Uttar Pradesh government has constituted a Pay Committe, called UP pay committee 2008. The committee will be headed by retd IAS officer, SAT Rizwi.
Uttar Pradesh Pay Committee 2008 has its portal at uppc2008.up.nic.in. As per the sixth pay commission of Uttar Pradesh, the revisions are mentioned on the site. The report prepared by the Pay Committe is on uppc2008.up.nic.in. The inferences and results are mentioned under the section 'Sankalp".
The new Pay Structure and other benefits seem to be a step forward towards a better salary structure for the employees to UP government.
Pay Committee 2008, U.P. Govt.
Office Address: Room No. - 48, 3rd Floor. Bahukhandi Bhawan, U.P Secretariat. Lucknow. Telephone No. 0522-2213145/2236085. E-mail, uppc2008@up.nic.inmore details at
Pay Committee 2008, U.P. Govt.
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If http://uppc2008.up.nic.in/ page is not coming check out the cached page where in you can find direct links to reports, like वेतन समिति उ0प्र0 2008: प्रथम प्रतिवेदन (पृष्ठभूमि)
source: http://uppc2008.up.nic.in/
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