PDO - panchayat development officer- Recruitment results in Karnataka Panchayat Raj

The Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department (RDPR), Karnataka, has invited application for Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) recruitment test. Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) Recruitment Answers Keys are available on RDPR website. at Key Answers for all Series
RDPR karnataka who are doing RDPR recruitment for PDO have declared the RDPR key answers to the exams conducted by RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYAT RAJ.
RDPR Recruitment | RDPR Karnataka | Panchayat Raj Karnataka | Panchayat Development Officer | RDPR Recruitment 2009 | RDPR 2009 Recruitment | RDPR Jobs |
- http://recruitment.kar.nic.in/rdpr/
- http://rdpr.kar.nic.in/
- http://recruitment.kar.nic.in/rdpr/help.aspx
RDPR karnataka who are doing RDPR recruitment for PDO have declared the RDPR key answers to the exams conducted by RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYAT RAJ.
RDPR Recruitment | RDPR Karnataka | Panchayat Raj Karnataka | Panchayat Development Officer | RDPR Recruitment 2009 | RDPR 2009 Recruitment | RDPR Jobs |
Contact: Help Desk No: 080-22032135,080-22032132,080-22032295 between 11 AM to 5 PM
Note: If you have any objection for any of the answer, then send your objection to pdordprkey@gmail.com on or before 23.09.2009. In the mail, please mention your Name, Reference No/Roll No.,Question Paper series, Question and your objection to the answer.
15 Responses to rdpr PDO Answer Key PDO Recruitment Results 2009 at rdpr.kar.nic.in
When we can expect selection list pdo?
HELLO Sir when the result wii be announced?revesed key answer again going release or not
when can i expect the final selection
Please provide the website address for find the list of selection for the pdo posts.... till we have no information...
hello sir can you inform us that when the final selection process started.
When will be the result...
hai guys,
when shall we expect the pdo list,
Could you please provide the time line about the PDO list.
Dear Sir,
Please provide the Status of PDO, We are idialy waiting without Info,
Please do the need ful
Thanks & Rega
Murali K
halo sir start the rea exam sir
hello sir/madam what is the status pdo?. whether you will be anouncing the selection list or once again you are going to conduct the exam?.please display particular date of anouncement of selection list so can wait up to that time whether it may be number of months... plz plz start the procedure...............
sir,when we expect the pdo results
please provide the website address to find the selection list provide information about re-examination if exam is conducted again
Dear Sir,
Whn is the result? whether the exam is discard? or recruitment is discard?
please give the ANS? we are waiting...
Dear Sir,
Whn is the result? whether the exam is discard? or recruitment is discard?
please give the ANS? we are waiting...
Sir when we can expect selection list of PDO
Something to say?