Sri Anandagiri, senior teacher at the Oneness University, India is one of the three foremost disciples of Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan. Born in 1976 in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh in South India, he joined the residential school ‘Jeevashram’, founded and run by Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan, at the age of 12.
By the time he was 14, the spiritual phenomenon of Deeksha (also known as Oneness Blessing) had begun to unfold among the students of the school. The young children started to experience the divine Presence in their hearts which opened up different mystical realms of consciousness in them. Sri Anandagiri was among the first to receive this divine benediction. A series of mystical experiences and deep insights led to a profound transformation in his consciousness. Having tasted immense love and compassion, he felt a deep inner call to serve Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan and to be a part of their divine vision of bringing about the global Golden Age.
Since the age of 15, Sri Anandagiri has guided innumerable seekers on their path of discovering the divine grace in their lives. He was the first disciple of Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan to bring their message and vision of Oneness to the west, in the year 1996 and has ever since traveled world wide conducting retreats and awakening courses. His clarity, wisdom and friendly nature have endeared him to millions in India and abroad. Seekers have time and again been fascinated by the simplicity with which he presents even the most profound teachings of Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan.

Sri Anandagiri heads the male spiritual monastic order (of the Dasas), based in the Oneness University, India. He is currently also coordinating the “100 Village Project” (a project for socio-spiritual development) in and around the headquarters of the Oneness University. He is looked upon with immense reverence and gratitude by numerous eminent perso- nalities of the world like Anthony Robbins, Gerry Butler, Donna Karan, Hugh Jackman and Mark Burnette for the spiritual support and love they have experienced through him.
During his long and enduring devotional service to Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan over the past 18 years, Sri Anandagiri has been blessed with several divine states of consciousness, culminating in a profound expe- rience of Oneness with all that is. Being in his very presence is like a powerful Deeksha / blessing, which transforms all those who come in touch with him.