Another interesting aspect of this encyclopedia is that you have the possibility to download and publish and even redistribute it. In case you want to edit certain parts of the encyclopedia content, a valid Google account is enough to add or update articles. The Google Doctype encyclopedia is available for download here.
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The high speed with which the web evolves leads to the appearance of a large amount of information regarding the principles of new-born development technologies or the improvements of older ones. Indexing that information becomes complex due to the fact that the information flux requires various processing operations, which implies the need of many types

of efficient resources and management strategies.

Google Doctype is an online open source encyclopedia for web programmers. Google explains the reason of this new web resource creation as follows: "because none of the existing resources fit our needs exactly. For example, many sites offer articles on web development, but few allow continuous improvement once the articles have been written. They are ‘set in stone,’ stamped with today's date, discussed briefly, and then forgotten. As the open web evolves, we would like to keep articles section of Google Doctype as up-to-date as possible, for as long as possible.
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