CBSE Percentage Calculator Online, CGPA Calculator for Class X
With the Central Board of School Education (CBSE) replacing marks with grades in Class X results from this year, Students will now get to know the grades in each subject, plus the grade point and the cumulative grade point average (CGPA).
what is cgpa ?
Well CGPA means cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

CGPA Grading system of CBSE in short.

  1. The grades will be awarded on a nine-point scale for each subject.
  2. Scores between 91 and 100 per cent in a subject, awarded Grade A1 a grade point of 10.
  3. Scored between 81 and 90 per cent marks in a subject awarded Grade A and a grade point of 9.
And the cgpa to percentage, will be An average of all the grade points will then be taken and calculated under CGPA.
CGPA to Percentage formula (obtained grade/max grade)*100.
This will also be the last year of the Class X Board exam. With the CBSE extending the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) to Class X, the 2010-2011 batch will have no Board exams.
So you can convert CGPA to Percentage for your results grade marks in easy way. Do you want to CGPA to Percentage then check out below link for calculator

please visit at for grading system and CGPA

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

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